
Step-by-step guide on compiling Plugify as a standalone modding tool.

This guide provides instructions for building S2-Plugify, a standalone launcher for Plugify designed to run games while injecting Plugify directly. The build process is nearly identical to building the core Plugify library, with one key difference: the target name should be s2-plugify instead of plugify.

Key Difference

When building S2-Plugify, ensure that you specify the target name as s2-plugify instead of plugify. For example:

cmake --build . --target s2-plugify

Steps to Build S2-Plugify

Clone the Repository

Clone the S2-Plugify repository to your local machine:

git clone --recursive
cd s2-plugify

Generate Build Files

Create a build directory and generate the build files using CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Build the Project

Build the project using the following command. Note: The target name is s2-plugify.

cmake --build . --target s2-plugify

Verify the Build

Once the build process is complete, the compiled files will be located in the build directory. Verify the build by checking for the following files:

  • s2-plugify.exe (Windows)
  • s2-plugify (Linux)

Detailed Build Instructions

For more detailed instructions on building Plugify (e.g., configuring CMake options, enabling tests, or building documentation), refer to the Building Plugify guide. The process is identical, except for the target name (s2-plugify instead of plugify).


Common Issues

  1. Build Fails:
    • Ensure that you have the correct version of CMake and a compatible C++ compiler installed.
    • Verify that all dependencies are available and properly configured.
  2. Target Not Found:
    • Double-check that you are using the correct target name (s2-plugify).
  3. Missing Files:
    • Ensure that the repository was cloned correctly and that all files are present.